The Company

Sergal has been acting for 50 years in the market, with headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and representation throughout the national territory. Has developed throughout its history, the advice in the deployment of the most diverse types of projects-industrial, commercial, real estate, financial institutions, the service sector, associations, ONG’s, transport, logistical among other business branches. We work at all levels of public administration, aimed at regulating, licensing and registration of acts and procedures required for the performance of market activities. Always in search of excellence and dynamism, we develop quality services, consolidating during those decades, solid partnerships based on reliability, ethics and transparency of our team of professionals.

São Paulo +55 (11) 3214-0820 | 3473-5730 ▬ Rio de Janeiro +55 (21) 2516-4221 | 3173-2906 ▬ Niterói/RJ +55 (21) 3492-9097 | 3492-7734

Com mais de 50 anos de estrada, tornou-se um exemplo de eficiência e agilidade em seus processos. Conheça um pouco mais de nossa História!
Atuamos em diversas áreas e setores comerciais e empresarias. Confira em que podemos lhe ajudar!
Entre em contato!
São Paulo - 55 (11) 3214-0820 | 3473-5730
Rio de Janeiro - 55 (21) 2516-4221 | 3173-2906
Niterói / RJ - 55 (21) 3492-9097 | 3492-7734